Preparations for the 90th edition of the Fête du Citron® (lemon festival) already begun
As Paris prepares to welcome the sporting world in 2024, the town of Menton is also getting into the Olympic spirit.

The 90th edition of the Fête du Citron® will have as its theme “The Olympic Games from antiquity to the present day”. In the Biovès gardens and on the floats of the corsos, the Fête du Citron® invites you to leaf through the history of sport, from the Olympics to the modern with a special guest, our unmissable John Lemon, who has already started training.
This edition promises to be grandiose, full of novelties and surprises

And in view of the immense popular success of this 89th edition of the Lemon Festival®, which is coming to an end, Yves Juhel, Mayor of Menton and President of the French Riviera Community, has decided to keep the Biovès gardens open in 2024.

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