Health and safety tips for your Birthday Celebration
The COVID-19 cases continue to go up daily globally hence the need to uphold health and safety during these trying times. Even then, you cannot skip or overlook the holidays or birthday anniversary completely. However, you need to make adjustments to how you spend your birthday by devising creative ways to stay safe. Here are tips on how to celebrate safely:
Travel safely
When you have friends and family members that you haven’t seen all year, it becomes hard not to travel to go see them, especially if one of them has their birthday. But how do you uphold COVID-19 safety tips while you travel? There is no doubt that you will encounter unanticipated or incidental close contacts during your trip. Therefore, during your stay in the city that you go to, you should rent a vacation rental to avoid staying with vulnerable family members and friends. Such a rental gives you access to private amenities such as a kitchen, private pool, or clubhouse so that you limit your interaction with people. However, you need to pick a city where you will only take a short train road. A longer road means a long duration of contact with people.
While it sounds obvious, ensure that you keep your mask on and have a face shield in case you find yourself in an area or train where people are not wearing masks. Additionally, keep yourself quarantined for a minimum of seven days before you start moving around to see sites and people.
Observe safety during gatherings
Suppose you are planning to hold a birthday party, there are three things that you need to observe to promote health and safety. First, you need to ensure that every person that attends your function understands the importance of self-quarantine preferably for 14 days after the event. Having your party attendees immediately go back to work or school is just reckless given how COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Sensitize them to stay in their houses unless they are leaving for medical reasons. The second thing that they should do is AVOID traveling for long distances as it can be risky for some of them.
Lastly, you should ensure that everyone that attends your function follows the basic COVID-19 safety protocols. You should emphasize the need for them to stay safe so that they do not contract or transmit the virus. Also, make sure that you hold your birthday party in a larger hall to practice social distancing. Additionally, have a select group of people attend and keep off your list vulnerable people such as the elderly and people with other comorbidities.
Know when you need to get tested
If you know that you have been moving around a lot lately, the best thing that you could do is get tested before the celebration begins. While this will not give you a definitive response whether you should join in the celebrations or not, it will make it easy for you to track your contacts should you, unfortunately, exhibit symptoms of COVID-19. If you also think that you might have been exposed to the virus, you should immediately isolate yourself and wait another 5-8 days to get another test. Even if the test comes out negative, it is best to quarantine for 14 days while monitoring your symptoms closely. At the same time, ensure that you inform the people that you have been in contact with so that they can quarantine themselves and get tested.
Consider hanging out virtually
Fortunately, many tools can be used to talk with someone even when you can not meet in person. This year, it might be ideal for you to just have a facetime meeting in the comfort of your home rather than on crowded grounds. You can find fun online games to play with your family as you wait for the clock to tick midnight to make the birthday wishes. While at it, make sure that you have a safe online presence by using the right VPN. Read VPN Reviews and see what worked for others and made their online experience safe and fun. Therefore, you need to stay put as the thrill will just be the same!

There is no doubt that these birthday celebrations are going to be different but you can still make the most of it while keeping safe. You only need to enhance safety when you travel, keep safe during gatherings, get tested when you suspect you have been exposed, and enjoy blowing the candles virtually.
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