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Panchakarma: Ayurveda treatmens

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Ayurveda in Kerala

I discovered something about it during a recent trip to Kerala, an Indian state best known for its Ayurvedic therapies. Of course, there isn’t enough time to assume that I am an expert in this old field, but it’s a good place to start.



The fundamental cleaning and detoxifying procedure in Ayurveda is called panchakarma. Five therapies are referred to as “Panchakarma,” namely Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Vasti, and Raktamoskhana. This group of five treatments balances the doshas, or energies, that control all biological processes while assisting the body in releasing chronic stress and disease-causing pollutants.

The Panchakarma style of treatment protects the client/patient from the hazards of side effects, common to many modern pharmaceuticals, as it uses herbal and organic treatments. This Indian school of medicine is based on the idea that the majority of illnesses are brought on by the food we eat and the poisons we are exposed to in our environment.


Five treatment modalities

Patients are revitalized by the five time-tested Panchakarma treatment modalities by regaining their bodily and mental equilibrium. Kapha (phlegm) poisons that have accumulated in the body and respiratory system are eliminated by the Vamana (Emesis). Pitta (Bile) toxins that have collected in the liver and gall bladder are expelled from the body using the medicated purgation therapy known as virechana (Purgation). The Vasti (Enema), which purges the toxins built up in the body from all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), is the mother of all Panchakarma therapies. Nasya (Nose Cleaning), or the inhalation of therapeutic oil, is used to eliminate Kapha toxins from the head and neck region. Raktamoksha, or blood purification, is the final type of Panchakarma and is not recommended for general Panchakarma.

This procedure cleans the blood and is advised only in rare conditions.

The Panchakarma treatment is unique since it ensures both the short-term and long-term well-being of the individuals.

Travel Advisor – Lifestyle

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